Tuesday, October 7, 2014

MCSA Exam Electives

Exam electives now available for MCSA: SQL Server and MCSA: Windows Server Certifications
Microsoft is offering more flexibility with MCSA exams. IT Professionals seeking a SQL Server 2012 MCSA or Windows Server 2012 MCSA will now have the flexibility to choose the subject matter of their final certification exam. This flexibility will allow IT Pros to select an exam that better aligns with their skills and interests.

The requirement of successfully completing three certification exams hasn’t changed, but the subject matter the third exam covers has. Four options are available to choose from for each MCSA. See the following chart for details.

Upcoming dates for SQL Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 MCSA training at Centriq:

Windows Server 2012
Installing & Configuring Windows Server 2012 (MS-20410)
Start Dates: September 15, 2014 and November 3, 2015

Administering Windows Server 2012 (MS-20411)
Start Dates: September 29, 2014 and November 17, 2015

Server Virtualization with Windows Super Hyper-V & System Center (MS-20409)
Start Date: October 13, 2014

Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 (MS-20412)
Start Dates: November 10, 2014 and February 2, 2015

Managing Office 365 Identities & Services (MS-20346)
Start Dates: September 29, 2014 and December 15, 2014

Administering Microsoft SQL Server Databases (MS-20462)
Start Dates: September 29, 2014 and January 5, 2015

SQL Server
Querying Microsoft SQL Server (MS-20461)
Start Date: January 19, 2015

Administering Microsoft SQL Server Databases (MS-20462)
Start Dates: September 29, 2014 and January 5, 2015

Administering Windows Server 2012 (MS-20411)
Start Dates: September 29, 2014 and November 17, 2014

Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 (MS-20412)
Start Dates: November 10, 2014 and February 2, 2015

Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server (MS-20463)
Start Dates: October 27, 2014 and February 9, 2015

Programming in C# (MS-20483)
Start Dates: November 10, 2014 and February 16, 2015

Additional information provided by Microsoft:

For MCSA: Windows Server 2012 > Exams 410 and 411 are required. You can choose one of the following exams to fulfill the requirements for the third exam in the path:
  • Exam 346: Managing Office 365 Identities and Requirements
  • Exam 409: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center
  • Exam 412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
  • Exam 462: Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases

For MCSA: SQL Server 2012 > Exams 461 and 462 are required. You can choose one of the following exams to fulfill the requirements for the third exam in the path:
  • Exam 411: Administering Windows Server 2012
  • Exam 412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
  • Exam 463: Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Exam 483: Programming in C#
Please visit the following pages to see more information:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

FileZilla FTP - Phase II - Maintenance and Subsites

The previous post introduced the idea of publishing your website to a remote server using FileZilla and FTP. An additional video demonstrates updating the same site using a new local website version (PersonalV2) with ASP.NET and adding various "sub-websites" hosted off the same domain (such as one called WG).

The latter will also require adding an "Application Root Directory" (aka Virtual Directory) through your GoDaddy/CentriqHosting settings. This allows the "sub-website" to be treated as its own application, with its own root web.config and its own independent root relative referencing. At the time of this post, setting an application root folder requires you to:

  • Launch your Hosting control panel,
  • Go to the More navbar option, click the IIS Management option from the fly-out menu
  • Create a new directory and name it, then check the "Set application root" checkbox.

As a brief sidenote, if you are going to use MVC for your root website, it's a best practice to ensure that certain elements are not inherited by the "sub-websites" that would cause conflicts:

    <!--So parent MVC app doesn't conflict with sub-websites-->
    <location inheritInChildApplications="false">

Typical tags that cause conflicts in sub-websites (and that you'll want to wrap with the location tag above) are <system.web> and <connectionStrings>. Note also with the code above, Visual Studio may not provide Intellisense for the inheritInChildApplications attribute, but it works.

Check out the FileZilla FTP Phase II video:

Thanks, and go forth and publish content! As always, best wishes on your continuing career development!

Friday, June 27, 2014

FileZilla and FTP - Setup - Phase I

When we first learn to create websites by hand, we normally use some software to develop the code on our computer. The software might be as simple as Notepad, or it might be a feature-rich IDE, like Visual Studio or Dreamweaver. We test those files we created on that local computer, running them in various browsers. No one can see the results of our work till it's ready, because it hasn't been published. It's just being run locally, on that one computer.

Once I'm ready to publish/deploy my website for the world to enjoy over the Web, I need a domain name and a server to host it. If I'm not hosting the domain on my company's computers, I've probably paid a hosting provider (such as CentriqHosting, Arvixe, 1&1, etc.) to handle that part for me. Even so, I still need one more thing. I need to get my content (those files I've been testing locally) onto that remote server. Regardless of the tool you use to accomplish this, the protocol you use is usually FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

FileZilla (Client) is free, open-source software that lets you handle FTP uploads/downloads between two computers.

Check out the "FileZilla and FTP – Setup – Phase I" video below for a tutorial on using Filezilla to publish a website you've been working on locally to your remote, live webserver.

In a nutshell, here are those steps.

Create a Site Definition

A site definition saves all the settings you'll need to continue publishing your local website files out to the remote live server.

  • Go to: File menu, Site Manager...
  • Click: New Site, then name your new site definition
  • Fill out the General tab settings (your hosted FTP upload location, your FTP username and password, etc.)
  • Fill out the Advanced tab. Identify the location of your local website files (Default Local Directory) and the file path on your remote server for this site definition (Default Remote Directory)
  • You can then connect. In the future, this site definition is saved as a quick load option off the dropdown arrow directly underneath the File menu.

Upload Updated Content

  • Once you are connected (showing files in the local directory pane on the bottom left and showing files in the correct remote directory pane in the bottom right), you can upload any files or subfolders of new or updated content.
  • Simply select the new/updated files or folders on the left, then right click them for the Upload option, or drag them into the correct spot on the right.

Common Errors to Avoid

  • Getting file locations out of sync. Be sure you are uploading local files to the correct remote directory. If you have moved into a subfolder of your root directory to upload a file, be sure to navigate to the matching subfolder on the remote server before you upload - or you may be putting the file into the wrong remote directory.
  • Failing to update the remote server for local website restructuring. If you rename a file or folder locally, or move files to different folders in the website structure, it's up to you to manually make changes on the remote server to reflect those local changes (deleting files and folders with former names, moving files to the correct new folders, etc.)

Thanks, and be sure to check out the following video for "FileZilla, Phase 2", which tackles maintaining content and updating/adding site definitions. As always, best wishes on your continuing career development!

jQuery Crash Course –Part III ofthe HCJ Series

Back in June, 2013 (yes, that was a year ago) we published the final installment of the HCJ series in the Centriq Alumni Network newsletter.

Installment 3 provided an introduction to jQuery, including what it is and isn't, what the syntax looks like, and a few examples of jQuery in use.

You can access the piece in its entirety, as well as code samples:

Thanks, and best wishes on your continuing career development!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

CSS3 Crash Course – Part II of HCJ Series

[This post is re-published from a piece I wrote for the January 2013 edition of the Centriq Alumni Network newsletter.] Continuing the HCJ series (HTML5/CSS3/jQuery) we started last month, let's push on with CSS3. As noted in the opening salvo for the series, this is intended to introduce you to these concepts and get you up and running with some new code and implementations that will work in many environments. It is by no means an exhaustive resource.

The next piece in the series will introduce incorporating some jQuery into your websites.

CSS3 Usage

Over the years, CSS3 has begun to be supported in parts by more and more browsers. And this is a good thing, because CSS3 promises not only more formatting options, but also finer control over selecting tags to format on the page. (This improved ability to target items in the DOM ties in well with JavaScript and jQuery, as we'll discuss more in the next installment of this series.)

Use Well-Supported Properties But Be Prepared For Non-Compliance

Although there's still lots of CSS3 that receives only partial support (or none) in various browsers, that doesn't mean we can't use some CSS3. There are various philosophies on this, but a common perspective is that if a CSS property we wish to use is fairly well supported, we use it – with the understanding that it may be ignored by some browsers. If you do this selectively, there shouldn't be too much "code bloat" where the users are wasting download time to get formatting that will be ignored by their browser anyway.

For example, you can use a CSS property for multiple text-columns (like those in a newspaper) on one of your div tags – but you will need to be prepared for the fact that no form of Internet Explorer except IE10 supports that CSS. (IE10, by the way, is only installed by default on Windows 8 machines; and is currently used by only 0.25% of users globally.) So that CSS will be ignored by most forms of IE, and your page will display that div's content in the standard 1-column layout.

Push Compliance with Modernizr and Polyfills

On the other hand, if a particular CSS property and its formatting is truly mission critical and we know some browsers do not inherently support it, we could try to force the browser to implement that formatting by using Modernizr and polyfills.

Modernizr is a free service that incorporates both the HTML shiv we discussed in the last installment, and JavaScript that performs feature detection. Then polyfills (more JavaScript) can be used to "help" the browser support the desired CSS3 or HTML5. This of course can still fall victim to the limitation that the browser in question must not be configured to block the JavaScript or your desired formatting can still fail. And this also adds more code to the download, and the potential for code bloat again – especially if you overuse the technique. Fortunately, to avoid this, the people at Modernizr do make it easy for you to generate custom JavaScript code to "force support" for only the desired CSS features you choose.

Using the Modernizr and polyfills approach may take more work, but if used with some care to only force support for truly important features, it can ensure a more consistent implementation of your CSS across browsers.

CSS3 Resources

Deciding which CSS to use can often come down to how well supported it is. For that, I have two quick recommendations:
  • CanIUse.com (solid stats and information)
  • CSS3Test.com (interesting at a glance for testing features of the browser you're currently using)
To start digging into using Modernizr with polyfills, I'd recommend the following sites:

CSS3 Formatting Highlights

The following is a quick sampling of some fairly well-supported CSS3 properties you may want to start using in your projects.

Text Shadows

Adding a drop shadow to your text uses the text-shadow property. Here's the template for using it:
text-shadow: right-offset | down-offset | blur-radius | color

And two examples:
   color: green;
   text-shadow: 5px -3px 5px red;

h2 {text-shadow: 3px 3px;}

So the h1's would be green with a red drop shadow 5px to the right, 3px above (negative offsets reverse the direction), and a blur radius of 5px.

The h2's would have a text-shadow of the default color that's 3px to the right and down.

Rounded Corners and Box Shadows

For block-level elements, sometimes you want to shave off the hard edges from those corners and/or add drop shadows to them. This has been popular in web and UI design for awhile, but previous to proper CSS support, required cumbersome image manipulation and CSS hacks to make it work. Of course, for this to work, you need some borders to round, so that's your first pre-requisite. Also, this is another CSS feature that has mixed and sometimes proprietary support in different (older) browsers, so to be safe, you may want to use both proprietary and standard property variants.

The templates:
border-radius: radius-amount-for-all-corners //set equally
border-radius: top-left | top-right | bottom-right | bottom-left //clockwise

box-shadow: right-offset | down-offset | blur-radius | spread | color

   border: 3px solid blue;
   border-radius: 5px;
   -moz-border-radius: 5px; //for older Firefox versions

   border:3px solid blue;
   border-radius: 5px 3px 3px 5px;
   -moz-border-radius: 5px 3px 3px 5px; //for older Firefox versions

   box-shadow: -3px -3px 3px 3px green;
   -moz-box-shadow: -3px -3px 3px 3px green; //older Firefox versions
   -webkit-box-shadow: -3px -3px 3px 3px green; //older Safari/Chrome versions

So any aside with a class of pullquote will have 5px radius for its rounded corners on all sides.

The tag with an id of wrapper will have left corners with 5px rounding, right corners with 3px rounding. Also, it will have a green drop shadow outside the borders of 3px to the top and left, with 3px radius and spread.

Text Columns

As we've already mentioned, you can add CSS text columns for a block-level element, and style them with spacing and/or a line between the columns. (Also, as noted previously, this is not supported in most forms of IE as of the time of this writing).

column-count: number-of-columns;
column-gap: width-between-columns;
column-rule: border-specs-between-columns; //defaults to none if unassigned

//3 variants for column count
-moz-column-count: 3;
-webkit-column-count: 3;
-moz-column-count: 3;

//3 variants for column gap
-moz-column-gap: 15px;
-webkit-column-gap: 15px;
-column-gap: 15px;

//3 variants for column rule
-moz-column-rule: 2px dashed black;
-webkit-column-rule: 2px dashed black;
-column-rule: 2px dashed black;

So, for browsers that support it, the article tag with a class of threecol will have 3 columns with a spread between them of 15px, as well as a 2px dashed black vertical line.

Background Gradients

You can set a background gradient (where solid colors "fade" into other solid colors) through a variant implementation of the background-image property. Again, this is currently a property supported mostly through the proprietary browser variants, so you'd typically use them all if you're going to use them.

background-image: linear-gradient(direction | color % | color %);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(direction | color % | color %);
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(direction | color % | color %);

   background-image: linear-gradient(left, red 20%, olive 70%);
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, red 20%, olive 70%);
   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red 20%, olive 70%);

   background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, gray 20%, blue 30%, green 70%);
   background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, gray 20%, blue 30%, green 70%
   background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, gray 20%, blue 30%, green 70%);

So the header will go from red to olive, fading in from the left, beginning the red-to-green transition 20% after the starting point and ending in solid green 70% from the starting point to the end.

The aside will fade in at a 45 degree angle, from gray to blue to green, starting the first transition at 20% of the distance, then the next at 30% and then finally at 70%.

This can all be a little tricky, so I highly recommend playing with it and/or downloading the free CSS Grady or ColorZilla app for the Chrome browser to interactively play with gradients and see CSS code generated that you can copy or tweak.

CSS3 Targeting Highlights

The following is a quick round-up of a couple of fairly well supported CSS3 selectors you may want to start using to target tags better, with less markup. Why add tons of classes to your HTML tags to get them systematically formatted a certain way if you can do it just as well with some slick pseudo class and contextual selectors?

Here are a few quick targeting selectors that you may want to consider using.

Some Pseudo Class Selectors

Sometimes you want set the formatting differently for the first or last item in a container tag – like the last bullet point in an unordered list, or the first row in a table. Example:

ul li:last-child
   margin-bottom: 30px;

   text-align: center;

So the last list item in an unordered list would have 30px added beneath it. And the first table row would have its content centered.

On the other hand, sometimes you want to set repeating formatting for alternating items (like rows in a table) and so you might want to set every "even" or "odd" child to receive certain formatting. Examples:

   color: yellow;
   background-color: green;

   color: white;
   background-color: black;

So the even rows in a table would be yellow on green, while the odd numbered rows would be white on black.

What about selecting the immediate child li's in an unordered list, but not the ones nested in that ul's child tags? Or selecting a certain tag when it immediately follows a particular other tag?

ul > li:last-child //only last child LI of UL, but only direct-child, not nested descendant LI tags
   margin-bottom: 30px;

h1+p // select P tags that immediately follow an H1
   margin-left: 2em;

There are many more CSS selectors you may not have worked with, but that's a few to give you a taste, and they are pretty well supported now.

Additional Development

As noted in the previous installment of this series, I recommend you pick up the books we're using in our HTML/CSS/jQuery class now for a fuller treatment of these topics:
  • Murach's HTML5 and CSS3 (including intro chapters for JavaScript, jQuery, and jQuery mobile) by Zak Ruvalcaba and Anne Boehm
  • SitePoint's jQuery: Novice to Ninja by Earle Castledine and Craig Sharkie
Remember to take advantage of being part of the Centriq alumni network, and best wishes on your continuing career development!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Microsoft Outlook Tip: MailTips

Microsoft Outlook 2010 includes MailTips, which help you avoid common, but potentially costly or embarrassing mistakes. MailTips alerts can be triggered by actions including clicking Reply All to a large recipient list, sending sensitive information to someone outside your organization, or sending a message to someone who is out of office.

NOTE: This feature requires a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 account.

Turn MailTips On or Off
  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click Mail.
  4. Under MailTips, click MailTips options.
The MailTips section does not appear if MailTips are not available for your account.
  1. If you have more than one Exchange Server 2010 account in your Outlook profile, click the account in the Apply to this account list.
  2. Under MailTips bar display option, click the option that you want.

- Karla Sharp

Microsoft Access Tip: Useful Shortcut Keys

Do you find that using the keyboard is sometimes quicker than using your mouse? I do. Shortcut keys can help you bypass menus and carry out commands directly. You can use shortcut keys in many ways with Access, from accessing commands and toolbar buttons to inserting today's date. Shortcut keys are sometimes listed next to the command name on Access menus.

For example, on the File menu, the Print command lists the shortcut CTRL+P.
For a comprehensive list of shortcuts, ask the Office Assistant for help.
  • In Access or any of the other Office applications, press F1                              to display the Assistant.
  • Then type shortcut keys in the text box.
Here are some of the most useful Access shortcut keys:
- Karla Sharp