Wednesday, July 9, 2014

FileZilla FTP - Phase II - Maintenance and Subsites

The previous post introduced the idea of publishing your website to a remote server using FileZilla and FTP. An additional video demonstrates updating the same site using a new local website version (PersonalV2) with ASP.NET and adding various "sub-websites" hosted off the same domain (such as one called WG).

The latter will also require adding an "Application Root Directory" (aka Virtual Directory) through your GoDaddy/CentriqHosting settings. This allows the "sub-website" to be treated as its own application, with its own root web.config and its own independent root relative referencing. At the time of this post, setting an application root folder requires you to:

  • Launch your Hosting control panel,
  • Go to the More navbar option, click the IIS Management option from the fly-out menu
  • Create a new directory and name it, then check the "Set application root" checkbox.

As a brief sidenote, if you are going to use MVC for your root website, it's a best practice to ensure that certain elements are not inherited by the "sub-websites" that would cause conflicts:

    <!--So parent MVC app doesn't conflict with sub-websites-->
    <location inheritInChildApplications="false">

Typical tags that cause conflicts in sub-websites (and that you'll want to wrap with the location tag above) are <system.web> and <connectionStrings>. Note also with the code above, Visual Studio may not provide Intellisense for the inheritInChildApplications attribute, but it works.

Check out the FileZilla FTP Phase II video:

Thanks, and go forth and publish content! As always, best wishes on your continuing career development!