Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Awesome HTML5 Tutorial & More!

Due to a Linked In reference, I discovered this wonderful tutorial on HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim. - There are several reasons to like this, but most of all, I like the font selections. For old eyes like mine, this makes reading an absolute pleasure. 

Another thing I found is the Video chapter (Chapter 5 – Video in a Flash ) This has a fantastic explanation of how all video on the web works, or should I say, the different “container” formats. 

Finally, and this was the reason for the reference from a friend, if you are an “old” hand in the business, and remember the days of Apple II, you will enjoy the video at the bottom of the video.html file.

- Leslie Koorhan, .NET Expert;
MCT, MCSD (.NET), MCTS, MCDBA, MCPD LinkIn with Leslie

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really, great tutorial on HTML 5. I read it and also checked all links shared by you. Its quite informative post. THANKS CENTRIQ!
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